Release date: July 9, 2013 (build 7.4.5579)

Example - Toolbar
<div id="toolbar">
<a href="#" id="toolbar_day">Day</a>
<a href="#" id="toolbar_week">Week</a>
<a href="#" id="toolbar_month">Month</a>
Example - View Switching Code
<script type="text/javascript">
var switcher = new DayPilot.Switcher();
// adding views (DayPilot controls)
// binding the toolbar links (buttons) to views
switcher.addButton("toolbar_day", dp_day);
switcher.addButton("toolbar_week", dp_week);
switcher.addButton("toolbar_month", dp_month);
// adding navigator
// default view;
Row Header Columns (Scheduler)

Example - View
<%= Html.DayPilotScheduler("dps_rowheadercolumns", new DayPilotSchedulerConfig {
BackendUrl = ResolveUrl("~/Scheduler/Backend"),
HeaderColumns = new RowHeaderColumnCollection
new RowHeaderColumn("Name", 50),
new RowHeaderColumn("Seats", 50)
Example - Controller
protected override void OnBeforeResHeaderRender(BeforeResHeaderRenderArgs e)
e.Columns[0].Html = "10 seats";
Business Hours CSS Class in CssOnly Mode (Calendar)

Business cells (defined as Monday-Friday, between BusinessBeginsHour and BusinessEndsHour) are now marked with_cell_business class in CssOnly mode.
Styling business cells in now supported in the theme designer as well.
See also:
Business Days CSS Class in CssOnly Mode (Month)

Business cells (defined as Monday-Friday) are now marked with _cell_business class in CssOnly mode.
Styling business cells in now supported in the theme designer as well.
See also:
- [Scheduler] Notify event handling for EventMove, EventResize. Demo added. (build 5570)
- [Month] Events InnerHTML changed to Html. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Events InnerHTML changed to Html. Resources InnerHTML changed to Html. Resource columns InnerHTML changed to Html. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] Events InnerHTML changed to Html. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/CssContinue implemented. (build 5570)
- Before CellTable import. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] CellTable optimizations. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] CellTable optimizations. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/Dynamic Tree Loading (build 5570)
- [Demo] Demo menu getting ready for 7.4. (build 5570)
- [Month] Calendar/Scheduler/Month: Redirect() supported. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] Calendar/Scheduler/Month: Redirect() supported. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Calendar/Scheduler/Month: Redirect() supported. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/Context menu for time range selection. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] Calendar/show() hide() (build 5570)
- [Month] Month/Background in CssOnly mode cleared. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] Calendar/ StartDate reset on callback. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] Calendar/ StartDate reset on direct update. (build 5570)
- [Month] Event background color applied using .style.background to allow theme overriding. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Event background color applied using .style.background to allow theme overriding. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] Event background color applied using .style.background to allow theme overriding. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/cancel event bubbling for area when moveBy='Full' (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] New onAjaxError handler. (build 5570)
- [Navigator] New onAjaxError handler. (build 5570)
- [Month] New onAjaxError handler. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] New onAjaxError handler. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/Access to columns in BeforeResHeader. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/wildcard events. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Fix: Event moving not activated until the mouse position changes after mousedown (DayPilot.Scheduler.moveBy="Full" mode). (build 5571)
- DayPilot.Bubble.showHtml() added. (build 5572)
- [Scheduler] e.DataItem accessible in OnBeforeResHeaderRender (Scheduler). (build 5577)
- DayPilotCalendar.CornerHtml and DayPilotCalendar.CornerBackColor replace OnBeforeCellRender/e.IsCorner. (build 5578)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler: Row header columns demo. (build 5578)
- [Demo] Scheduler: Row header columns demo. (build 5578)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/WeekStarts = 'Auto' fix. Scheduler/Gantt demo updated. Scheduler/resource row header columns html fixed. (build 5570)
- [Demo] Scheduler/WeekStarts = 'Auto' fix. Scheduler/Gantt demo updated. Scheduler/resource row header columns html fixed. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler:OnBeforeCellRender/e.BackgroundColor fixed. (build 5570)
- IE10 gradient fixed. (build 5570)
- All/bubble fixed in Chrome. (build 5570)
- [Scheduler] Scheduler/RowHeaderWidthAutoFit fixed. API set to 1. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] Calendar/initscrollpost fixed (+1px). (build 5570)
- Area namespaces fixed. (build 5570)
- [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar: Default column header background color fixed (CssOnly). (build 5579)