Release date: February 1, 2013 (build 7.2.5484)
Moving Event to Exact Position (Scheduler)
It's possible to move the events to an exact position inside a time cell. In combination with EventSortExpression property you can use this feature to manage priority ordering.
Default moving mode (moving to time cell)

Moving to position

You can enable this mode by setting EventMoveToPosition=true. The selected position will be available in OnEventMove event handler as e.Position.
Moving Event to Exact Position (Month)
It's possible to move the events to an exact position inside a time cell. In combination with EventSortExpression property you can use this feature to manage priority ordering.
Default moving mode (moving to time cell)

Moving to position

You can enable this mode by setting EventMoveToPosition=true. The selected position will be available in OnEventMove event handler as e.Position.
RowsPerMonth (Navigator)
It's possible to hide the empty rows in the Navigator using RowsPerMonth property.
Six (default mode)


DayPilotBubble.Position added.
(build 5464)
EventSortExpression support added.
(build 5465)
EventSortExpression support added.
(build 5465)
EventSortExpression support added.
(build 5465)
Binaries compiled with MVC 3 and MVC 4 included.
(build 5469)
"selected" class fixed in CssOnly mode.
(build 5470)
WebForm_InitCallback error on event selecting fixed.
(build 5473)
EventSelect callback fixed. EventInfo made accessible.
(build 5474)
EventInfo creating fixed.
(build 5475)
Making multiselect.add() compatible with events.find().
(build 5476)
EventMoveToPosition implemented.
(build 5477)
Sending custom data to afterRender() using Update().
(build 5480)
Sending custom data to afterRender() using Update().
(build 5480)
Sending custom data to afterRender() using Update().
(build 5480)
EventMoveToPosition implemented.
(build 5481)