Release date: October 3, 2012 (build 5453)
Version numbering is now aligned with the ASP.NET WebForms edition (see also DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms 7.1).
This version requires ASP.NET MVC 4 and .NET Framework 4.0 or higher.
CSS Theme Designer (Scheduler)

You can design your own CSS theme (for CssOnly mode) using an online WYSIWYG designer:
Active Areas for Events (Scheduler)

Custom active areas for events (OnBeforeEventRender/e.Areas).
Active Areas for Resources (Scheduler)

Custom active areas for resource headers (OnBeforeResHeaderRender/e.Areas).
Active Areas for Events (Calendar)

Active Areas for Column Headers (Calendar)

Active Areas for Events (Month)

Windows 8 Theme (Scheduler)

Duration Bar in CssOnly Mode (Scheduler)

Percent Complete (Scheduler)

Crosshair (Calendar)
Crosshair = Header

Crosshair = Full

Time Header Cell Duration (Calendar)

Header Height Auto-Fit (Calendar)

System.Globalization.Calendar Support (Scheduler)
protected override void OnInit(InitArgs ea)
DateTimeFormatInfo = new CultureInfo("ja-jp", false).DateTimeFormat;
DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar = new JapaneseCalendar();
int year = Calendar.GetYear(DateTime.Today);
StartDate = new DateTime(year, 1, 1, Calendar);
Days = Calendar.GetDaysInYear(year);
OnBeforeCellRender fixed (background color). Extended with InnerHtml, BackgroundImage, BackgroundRepeat, and Css.
(build 5425)
OnBeforeCellRender extended with InnerHtml, BackgroundImage, BackgroundRepeat, and Css.
(build 5425)
Crosshair implemented.
(build 5430)
Switching to ASP.NET MVC 4 and .NET Framework 4.0
(build 5431)
Visual Studio 2012 solution included.
(build 5431)
Crosshair fixed in CssOnly=false.
(build 5432)
OnBeforeEventRender/e.FontColor fixed.
(build 5432)
TimeHeaderCellDuration implemented.
(build 5435)
Multiline time header fixed.
(build 5445)
Dirty background colors fixed.
(build 5445)
HideUntilInit property added.
(build 5446)
HideUntilInit property added.
(build 5446)
HideUntilInit property added.
(build 5446)
EventHoverHandling added.
(build 5447)
Active areas for events (OnBeforeEventRender/e.Areas).
(build 5447)
Active areas for events (OnBeforeEventRender/e.Areas).
(build 5447)
Active areas for row headers (OnBeforeResHeaderRender/e.Areas).
(build 5447)
Active areas for events (OnBeforeEventRender/e.Areas).
(build 5447)
Active areas for column headers (OnBeforeHeaderRender/e.Areas).
(build 5447)
HeaderHeightAutoFit implemented.
(build 5448)
System.Globalization.Calendar (DateTimeFormatInfo) support added (Hebrew, Hijri, Japanese, Korean, Taiwan, ThaiBuddhist).
(build 5451)
Message helper div was masking the first resource.
(build 5452)
Blue theme header background fixed.
(build 5452)
Message bar less transparent (themes).
(build 5452)
RecurrenceRule.Prefix() added.
(build 5452)
RecurrenceRule.DecodeStart() added.
(build 5452)
Theme 8 added.
(build 5452)
Message bar width fixed.
(build 5452)
e.BackgroundColor enabled in CssOnly mode.
(build 5452)
Fixed: Writing custom HTML to cells caused an error: "HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3".
(build 5452)
Duration bar support added to CssOnly mode.
(build 5452)
OnBeforeEventRender: e.BackgroundImage, e.BackgroundRepeat, e.BorderColor supported in CssOnly mode.
(build 5452)
The default value of DurationBarVisible is false for CssOnly mode.
(build 5452)
Event moving activated after dragging the event for at least 3 pixels.
(build 5452)
Cell mode fixed (events were not showing up).
(build 5452)
ConflictDetector extended (API, recurring events).
(build 5452)
[Calendar] error fixed.
(build 5452)
Preventing timeRangeSelected event on event click in cell stacking mode.
(build 5452)
DurationBarMode = "PercentComplete" implemented.
(build 5452)
BeforeEventRender: e.BackgroundColor, e.BackgroundImage, e.BackgroundRepeat, and e.BorderColor supported in CssOnly mode.
(build 5452)
BeforeCellRender: e.BackgroundColor, e.BackgroundImage, e.BackgroundRepeat supported in CssOnly mode.
(build 5452)
.prefix_cellparent class always added to parent resource cells.
(build 5452)
.scrollToResource() added (client-side).
(build 5452)
[Scheduler] error fixed (dynamic loading).
(build 5452)
Hover fixed for all-day events.
(build 5452)