Release date: December 22, 2022
Event moving can be disabled dynamically by calling DayPilot.Scheduler.stopDragging() in onEventMoving (position indicators and shadow cleared properly).
(build 6069)
Mouse coords updated when position is changed using mouse wheel
(build 6069)
Event bar image export supported (Month)
(build 6069)
Monthly calendar CSS themes updated (Green, Transparent, White).
(build 6069)
Bubble Bubble uses onmouseleave instead of onmouseout for delayed hiding - helps keeping a bubble with complex content visible.
(build 6069)
DayPilot.Calendar.selectTimeRange(start, end, resource, dontFireEvent) method added
(build 6069)
Calendar CSS themes updated (Green, White, Transparent).
(build 6069)
Context menu styling (default CSS theme) updated - submenus
(build 6069)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onTimeRangeSelecting: args.control added
(build 6069)
DayPilot.Calendar.stopDragging() method implemented - cancels any ongoing drag and drop operation (event resizing, moving, time range selecting)
(build 6069)
SVG symbol icons supported in menu items ("symbol" property)
(build 6069)
DayPilot.ColorUtil.lighter(color, steps) added
(build 6069)
Start of autoscroll delayed by 500ms when moving an external item to the Scheduler.
(build 6069)
DayPilot.Http.patch() added
(build 6069)
DayPilot.ColorUtil.contrasting(color[, light[, dark]]) method added.
(build 6069)
Resizing the last column with rowHeaderScrolling enabled enabled (Scheduler).
(build 6069)
Resizing row header columns (with rowHeaderScrolling enabled + outer row header width set to max) updates outer row header width automatically (Scheduler).
(build 6069)
Animated row toggle after row header columns change fixed (Scheduler).
(build 6069)
Monthly calendar: Time range selection shadow disappearing when moving the mouse out of the first cell, to the left (fixed).
(build 6069)
Touch range selection corrupt when moving over different columns - fixed (Calendar)
(build 6069)
Column resizing in legacy row header columns mode fixed (Scheduler).
(build 6069)
Monthly calendar: Event padding fixed (image export)
(build 6069)
Exception during moving event before start of the first row in timesheet mode - fixed (Scheduler)
(build 6069)
Row creation fixed
(build 6069)
Row header splitter: Mouse button release outside of the source window (e.g. iframe parent) fixed
(build 6069)
Releasing mouse button on source event (not on target position shadow) during event moving fires onEventClick - fixed.
(build 6069)
Monthly calendar: position of cells in the last column fixed
(build 6069)
Exception during row moving (new row as a target) - fixed (Scheduler)
(build 6069)
Calendar external drag and drop: Initial position calculation error fixed.
(build 6069)
Monthly calendar: Moving long events to a position with start is before the first day - fixed ["Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '-1')"].
(build 6069)
Scheduler event click fixed.
(build 6069)
Time range double click event fixed (Month).
(build 6069)
Calculation of moving shadow position fixed (right edge of the calendar): "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'start')" error
(build 6069)
Row creation fixed
(build 6069)
Moving an event over a new row fixed (Scheduler): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'preventUsage')
(build 6069)
Export of calendar with custom timeHeaderCellDuration or time header text fixed.
(build 6069)
Crosshair hover effect fixed for an updated row (Scheduler).
(build 6069)
Cell mode in monthly calendar with no events fixed ["Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')"].
(build 6069)
Moving long events beyond end fixed - Month ["Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'props')"].
(build 6069)
Custom event border (borderColor) should be applied during export - fixed (Month)
(build 6069)
Custom event border (borderColor) should be applied during export - fixed (Calendar)
(build 6069)
Resizing the row header (with DayPilot.Scheduler.rowHeaderScrolling enabled) shouldn't trigger row header width auto-fit - fixed.
(build 6069)
Calendar cell bubble - resource id fixed in DayPilot.Bubble.onLoad/args.source.
(build 6069)
Event double click fires onTimeRangeDoubleClick as well - fixed (Month)
(build 6069)
Left event padding fixed during image export (Calendar).
(build 6069)
Touch actions for Calendar active areas fixed.
(build 6069)