DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC 2021.1.6042

Release date: February 1, 2021


  • DayPilot.Modal 3.10.1 integrated


  • DayPilot.Date.dayOfWeekISO() added (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] The time header filled with background color even if short (.scheduler_default_timeheader_scroll class, heightSpec="Parent100Pct" or "Fixed"). (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Too big row header width (> total columns) adjusted automatically to match the content (Scheduler; row header scrolling enabled). (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Cancel the multimove when calling DayPilot.Scheduler.stopDragging(). (build 6040)
  • Global mousemove handler used for DayPilot.Menu optimized. (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] The row header filled with background color even if short (.scheduler_default_rowheader_scroll class, heightSpec="Parent100Pct" or "Fixed"). (build 6040)


  • [Scheduler] Rendering of previously-hidden areas after row header was resized (with rowHeaderScrollling enabled) fixed (Scheduler). (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Rendering of event groups from hidden rows fixed (Scheduler). (build 6040)
  • [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar - resizing top of an event that starts after midnight fixed (overnight scheduling). (build 6040)
  • [Calendar] Crosshair should hide if mouse cursor is moved to an adjacent Calendar quickly - fixed. (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.eventMarginBottom should be applied to bottom, not top - fixed. (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Render events in an expanded group in case that the Scheduler height increases - fixed. (build 6040)
  • [Calendar] Additional Calendar themes: column header alignment fixed (centered vertically) (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Bubble with long content that caused a vertical scrollbar to appear closed immediately - fixed (Scheduler). (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Drag and drop indicators should respect outer row header width - fixed (Scheduler). (build 6040)
  • SVG export fixed (full svg element). (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduler time header text export fixed. (build 6040)
  • [Scheduler] Enforce minimum rowHeaderWidth of 0 during row header resizing - fixed (Scheduler). (build 6040)