DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC 2019.2.5981

Release date: May 15, 2019


  • DayPilotNavigator.OnVisibleRangeChanged supports VisibleRangeChangedArgs.Data. (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] Left/right drag and drop indicator updated (default Scheduler CSS theme) - text centered vertically. (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] Time range selecting shadow displayed above events, like during moving and resizing (Scheduler). (build 5979)
  • DayPilot.Date.add*() methods treat undefined/null param values as 0. (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduler event areas: combination of start/end (DayPilot.Date) and width (pixels) properties allowed. (build 5979)
  • Bubble Bubble animation improved (for big targets that need a shift to fit into the current viewport). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.getCoords() added - returns information about the current mouse position (relative to Scheduler grid). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler], end) added. (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.getViewPort() result supports rows() and events() methods. (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilotSchedulerConfig.RowHeaderColumnsResizable property added (allows disabling resizable row header columns; default value is true). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilotSchedulerConfig.EventResizingJavaScript: args.what available ("start" | "end") (build 5979)


  • [Scheduler] Large active areas with action="Move" fixed (Scheduler). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] Links context menu activation fixed (Scheduler). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduler row expanding animation fixed (new events rendered in full height in the first step). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] Left/right event moving position indicators fixed (Scheduler). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] Fast drag and drop between two Scheduler fixed (external status not set). (build 5979)
  • [Calendar] All-day event hover active areas fixed (Calendar). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilotSchedulerConfig.EventResizingJavaScript firing fixed (second resizing, initial activation). (build 5979)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilotSchedulerConfig.EventMoveSkipNonBusiness: Moving beyond the end of timeline forbidden (+ shortening bug fixed - when the last cell is not business). (build 5979)