The DayPilotMonth type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBackColor
Business cell background color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyClientState
Gets the client state (.clientState property on the client side).
Protected propertyController
Public propertyCssOnly
Enables CssOnly mode.
Protected propertyDataEndField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event end.
Protected propertyDataIdField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event id.
Protected propertyDataRecurrenceField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the recurrence information string.
Protected propertyDataStartField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event start.
Protected propertyDataTagFields
Gets or sets a comma-separated list of the names of the custom event members.
Protected propertyDataTextField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event text.
Protected propertyEvents
Public propertyEventSortExpression
Public propertyHeaderBackColor
Header background color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyId
Id of the control on the client side.
Public propertyNonBusinessBackColor
Non-business cell background color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyResolvedWeekStart
Public propertyShowWeekend
Whether to show weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
Public propertyStartDate
Gets or sets the month (ViewType=Month) or first week (ViewType=Weeks) to be displayed.
Public propertyUpdateType
Requested update type (None, EventsOnly, Full).
Public propertyViewType
View type: Month (displays one month), or Weeks (displays the number of week specified using Weeks property).
Public propertyVisibleEnd
Public propertyVisibleStart
Public propertyWeeks
The number of weeks to be displayed in ViewType=Weeks mode.
Public propertyWeekStarts
First day of week.

See Also