The DayPilotCalendarConfig type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAfterRenderJavaScript
Public propertyAjaxErrorJavaScript
Public propertyAllDayEnd
Whether the end of all-day event is specified by date only or by full date and time.
Public propertyAllDayEventBackColor
Determines the background color of all-day events. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyAllDayEventBorderColor
Color of an all-day event border. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyAllDayEventFontColor
Color of the all-day event font. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyAllDayEventFontFamily
Font family of the all-day event text, e.g. "Tahoma". Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyAllDayEventFontSize
Font size of the all-day event text, e.g. "8pt". Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyAllDayEventHeight
Determines the height of an all-day event.
Public propertyAllowMultiSelect
Turn on multiple event selection using Ctrl+click.
Public propertyAutoHideNonBusiness Obsolete.
Hide non-business cells if there are no events. Obsolete. Use HideFreeCells instead.
Public propertyAutoRefreshCommand
The command that will be passed to Command event during automatic refresh.
Public propertyAutoRefreshEnabled
Enables the AutoRefresh feature.
Public propertyAutoRefreshInterval
Auto-refresh interval in seconds. Minimum 10 seconds.
Public propertyAutoRefreshMaxCount
Maximum auto-refresh count (after inactivity).
Public propertyBackendUrl
URL of the backend that supplies data and handles events. Required.
Public propertyBorderColor
Border color of the control. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyBusinessBeginsHour
Start of the business day (in hours).
Public propertyBusinessEndsHour
End of the business day (in hours).
Public propertyCellBackColor
Color of business background cells. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyCellBackColorNonBusiness
Color of non-business background cells. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyCellBorderColor
Color of the vertical background cell border. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyCellBubble
Public propertyCellDuration
Duration of the background time cells in minutes.
Public propertyCellHeight
Height of the background time cells in pixels.
Public propertyCellSelectColor
Public propertyColumnBubble
Public propertyColumnMarginRight
Width of the right margin inside a column (in pixels).
Public propertyColumns
Public propertyColumnWidth
Public propertyColumnWidthSpec
Public propertyContextMenu
Public propertyContextMenuSelection
Public propertyCornerBackColor
Background color of the upper-left corner. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyCrosshair
Crosshair type (None, Header, Full).
Public propertyCrosshairColor
Color of the crosshair.
Public propertyCrosshairOpacity
Crosshair opacity.
Public propertyCssClassPrefix Obsolete.
Prefix of the CSS classes used to mark the control elements.
Public propertyCssOnly
Activates CssOnly mode.
Public propertyDayBeginsHour
Start of the day column (hour from 0 to 23).
Public propertyDayEndsHour
End of the day column (hour from 0 to 23).
Public propertyDays
Number of days to be displayed for ViewType="Days" mode.
Public propertyDeleteImageUrl
URL of the delete icon (10x10px).
Public propertyDirection
Public propertyDurationBarColor
Color of the event duration bar. Can be overridden for individual events using OnBeforeEventRender. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyDurationBarImageUrl
URL of the background image for the duration bar. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyDurationBarVisible
Shows or hides the event duration bar.
Public propertyDurationBarWidth
Width of the event duration bar.
Public propertyEventArrangement
Event arrangement mode (SideBySide, Cascade, Full).
Public propertyEventBackColor
Event background color. Can be overridden for individual events using OnBeforeEventRender. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventBorderColor
Event border color. Can be overridden for individual events using OnBeforeEventRender. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventBubble
Public propertyEventClickHandling
Public propertyEventClickJavaScript
Public propertyEventCorners
Event corner type. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventDeleteHandling
Public propertyEventDeleteJavaScript
Public propertyEventDoubleClickHandling
Public propertyEventDoubleClickJavaScript
Public propertyEventEditHandling
Public propertyEventEditJavaScript
Public propertyEventFontColor
Event font color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventFontFamily
Event font family. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventFontSize
Event font size. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventHeaderFontColor
Event header font color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventHeaderFontFamily
Event header font family. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventHeaderFontSize
Event header font size.
Public propertyEventHeaderHeight
Event header height. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventHeaderVisible
Shows or hides event header. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyEventHoverHandling
Public propertyEventMoveHandling
Public propertyEventMoveJavaScript
Public propertyEventResizeHandling
Public propertyEventResizeJavaScript
Public propertyEventRightClickHandling
Public propertyEventRightClickJavaScript
Public propertyEventSelectColor
Color of the bar used to highlight selected events. Only used when UseSelectionBars is set to true.
Public propertyEventSelectHandling
Public propertyEventSelectJavaScript
Public propertyEventSortExpression
Public propertyEventTapAndHoldHandling
Event "tap and hold" touch gesture mapping.
Public propertyHeaderClickHandling
Public propertyHeaderClickJavaScript
Public propertyHeaderDateFormat
Format of the date display in the header columns (e.g. "d", "yyyy-MM-dd").
Public propertyHeaderFontColor
Column header font color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHeaderFontFamily
Column header font family. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHeaderFontSize
Column header font size. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHeaderHeight
Height of the column header. If multiple rows are displayed, this is the height of each row (HeaderLevels > 1).
Public propertyHeaderHeightAutoFit
Whether to increase the header header height automatically to fit the content.
Public propertyHeaderLevels
Header level count. Only makes sense when you use ViewType=Resources and specify column children.
Public propertyHeight
Event height in pixels. It will be used in HeightSpec=Fixed mode.
Public propertyHeightSpec
How the control height will be determined (Fixed, Full, BusinessHours, BusinessHoursNoScroll, Parent100Pct).
Public propertyHideFreeCells
Hide non-business cells if there are no events.
Public propertyHideUntilInit
Hide the control until the response from the Init event is received. Use when you change the display significantly in OnInit (custom header HTML, number of columns, etc.).
Public propertyHourBorderColor
Horizontal background cell border, on hour break. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHourFontColor
Time header font color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHourFontFamily
Time header font family. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHourFontSize
Time header font size. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHourHalfBorderColor
Horizontal background cell border, inside hours. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHourNameBackColor
Time header background color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHourNameBorderColor
Time header cell vertical border color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyHourWidth
Width of the time header.
Public propertyLoadingLabelBackColor
Loading label background color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyLoadingLabelFontColor
Loading label font color. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyLoadingLabelFontFamily
Loading label font family. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyLoadingLabelFontSize
Loading label font size. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyLoadingLabelText
HTML used for the "Loading..." label.
Public propertyLoadingLabelVisible
Whether the loading label should be used to indicate longer server-side operations.
Public propertyMessageHideAfter
Public propertyMoveBy
Location of the drag area for event moving. Drag areas for resizing will be adjusted accordingly.
Public propertyNotifyCommit
Public propertyScrollDownImageUrl
URL of the "scroll down" icon.
Public propertyScrollLabelsVisible
Show or hide the scroll labels that indicate there are hidden events in columns (you need to scroll up or down to see them).
Public propertyScrollPositionHour
Scroll to this hour automatically when the control is displayed. The default value is BusinessBeginsHour.
Public propertyScrollUpImageUrl
URL of the "scroll up" icon.
Public propertyShadow
Public propertyShowAllDayEvents
Show or hide all-day events.
Public propertyShowAllDayEventStartEnd
Show or hide start and end times in all-day events.
Public propertyShowHeader
Show or hide the column header.
Public propertyShowHours
Show or hide the time header.
Public propertyShowToolTip
Whether to show event ToolTip (using title attribute) on event hover.
Public propertyStartDate
The first day to be displayed. In ViewType=Week, ViewType=WorkWeek it will be adjusted automatically. It will be the default column date in ViewType=Resources.
Public propertyTapAndHoldTimeout
Public propertyTheme
CSS theme id.
Public propertyTimeFormat
Public propertyTimeHeaderCellDuration
Public propertyTimeRangeDoubleClickHandling
Public propertyTimeRangeDoubleClickJavaScript
Public propertyTimeRangeSelectedHandling
Public propertyTimeRangeSelectedJavaScript
Public propertyTimeRangeTapAndHoldHandling
Time range (in grid cell) "tap and hold" touch gesture mapping.
Public propertyUseEventBoxes
Public propertyUseEventSelectionBars
Highlight the selected events using external bars. This is an old way to highlight selected events. You should use Theme and define a class for "prefix_selected".
Public propertyViewType
Public propertyWeekStarts
Public propertyWidth

See Also