The DayPilotScheduler type exposes the following members.


Protected methodDayPilotScheduler
Initializes a new instance of the DayPilotScheduler class


Public methodCallBack
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLinksFromEnumerable
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnBeforeCellRender
Protected methodOnBeforeEventRecurrence
This event is fired during event loading.
Protected methodOnBeforeEventRender
Protected methodOnBeforeResHeaderRender
Protected methodOnBeforeTimeHeaderRender
Protected methodOnCommand
Protected methodOnEventBubble
Protected methodOnEventClick
Protected methodOnEventDelete
Event handler for EventDelete callback.
Protected methodOnEventDoubleClick
Protected methodOnEventEdit
Protected methodOnEventMenuClick
Protected methodOnEventMove
Protected methodOnEventResize
Protected methodOnEventRightClick
Protected methodOnEventSelect
Protected methodOnFinish
Protected methodOnIncludeCell
Protected methodOnInit
Protected methodOnLoadNode
Protected methodOnNotify
Protected methodOnPrepare
Lifecycle hook. Called at the beginning of every request.
Protected methodOnResourceCollapse
Protected methodOnResourceExpand
Protected methodOnResourceHeaderClick Obsolete.
Protected methodOnResourceHeaderMenuClick Obsolete.
Protected methodOnRowClick
Protected methodOnRowCreate
Protected methodOnRowDoubleClick
Protected methodOnRowEdit
Protected methodOnRowMenuClick
Protected methodOnRowMove
Protected methodOnRowSelect
Protected methodOnScroll
Protected methodOnTimeRangeDoubleClick
Protected methodOnTimeRangeMenuClick
Protected methodOnTimeRangeSelected
Protected methodRedirect
Redirects the page to a new location specified by the url parameter.
Public methodScrollTo
Scroll to a DateTime position.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodUpdate()()()()
Protected methodUpdate(Object)
Protected methodUpdate(CallBackUpdateType)
Protected methodUpdate(Object, CallBackUpdateType)
Protected methodUpdateWithMessage(String)
Protected methodUpdateWithMessage(String, CallBackUpdateType)


Public fieldCornerBackColor
Public fieldCornerHtml
Public fieldDateTimeFormatInfo
Public fieldSelectedEvents
List of selected events.


Public propertyBackColor
Scheduler background color.
Public propertyBusinessBeginsHour
Start of business hours (hour of day).
Public propertyBusinessEndsHour
End of business hours (hour of day).
Public propertyCalendar
Public propertyCellDuration
Cell duration in minutes.
Public propertyCellGroupBy
Column grouping unit (first row of time header).
Public propertyCellWidth
Cell width in pixels.
Public propertyCellWidthSpec
Public propertyClientState
Client state object.
Protected propertyController
Public propertyCssOnly
Whether to use CSS-only rendering mode.
Protected propertyDataEndField
Protected propertyDataIdField
Protected propertyDataRecurrenceField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the recurrence information string.
Protected propertyDataResourceField
Protected propertyDataStartField
Protected propertyDataTagFields
Protected propertyDataTextField
Protected propertyDays
Public propertyDynamicLoading
Enables dynamic event loading (during scrolling).
Public propertyEndDate
Protected propertyEvents
Public propertyEventSortExpression
Public propertyHeaderColumns
Public propertyHeaderDateFormat
Public propertyHourNameBackColor
Background color of the headers. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyId
Id of the control on the client side. Read-only.
Public propertyLinks
Public propertyNonBusinessBackColor
Background color of the non-business time cells. Ignored in CssOnly mode.
Public propertyResolvedWeekStart
Public propertyResources
Collections of resources (to be displayed on the Y axis).
Public propertyScale
Public propertyScrollX
Gets or sets the horizontal scrollbar position. Changes are effective only if you perform full Update().
Public propertyScrollY
Gets or sets the vertical scrollbar position. Changes are effective only if you perform full Update().
Public propertySelectedRows
Public propertySeparators
Public propertyShowBaseTimeHeader
Public propertyShowNonBusiness
Public propertyStartDate
Public propertyTimeFormat
Time format (12/24 clock). Auto uses the default to determine the time format.
Public propertyTimeHeaders
Collection of time header groups.
Public propertyTimeHeadersResolved
Public propertyTimeline
Public propertyTreeEnabled
Whether the resource tree hierarchy is enabled.
Public propertyUpdateType
Selected update type (Full/EventsOnly/None).
Public propertyViewPort
Visible area on the client. Useful especially for dynamic event loading.
Public propertyViewType
Public propertyVisibleEnd
Public propertyVisibleStart
Public propertyWeekStarts

See Also