The DayPilotCalendar type exposes the following members.


Public methodDayPilotCalendar
Default constructor.


Public methodCallBack(Stream)
Processes the callback request.
Public methodCallBack(Controller)
Processes the callback request. This method should be called from the backend controller.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnBeforeCellRender
An event handler that allows time cell customization. Called once for each time cell.
Protected methodOnBeforeEventRecurrence
This event is fired during event loading.
Protected methodOnBeforeEventRender
An event handler that allows event customization. Called once for each event in the Events collection.
Protected methodOnBeforeHeaderRender
An event handler that allows column header customization. Called once for each column.
Protected methodOnBeforeTimeHeaderRender
An event handler that allows time header customization. Called once for each time header cell.
Protected methodOnCommand
Event handler for Command callback.
Protected methodOnEventBubble
Event handler for dynamic bubble request callback.
Protected methodOnEventClick
Event handler for EventClick callback.
Protected methodOnEventDelete
Event handler for EventDelete callback.
Protected methodOnEventDoubleClick
Event handler for EventDoubleClick callback.
Protected methodOnEventEdit
Event handler for EventEdit callback.
Protected methodOnEventMenuClick
Event handler for EventMenuClick callback. Fired for menu items that use Action=CallBack.
Protected methodOnEventMove
Event handler for EventMove callback. Used for Notify handling mode as well.
Protected methodOnEventResize
Event handler for EventResize callback. Used for Notify handling mode as well.
Protected methodOnEventRightClick
Event handler for EventRightClick callback.
Protected methodOnEventSelect
Event handler for EventSelect callback.
Protected methodOnFinish
Lifecycle hook. Called at the end of every callback request.
Protected methodOnHeaderClick
Event handler for HeaderClick callback.
Protected methodOnInit
Event handler for Init callback. Fired automatically on initial page load.
Protected methodOnNotify
Event handler for Notify callback.
Protected methodOnPrepare
Lifecycle hook. Called at the beginning of every callback request.
Protected methodOnTimeRangeDoubleClick
Event handler for TimeRangeDoubleClick callback.
Protected methodOnTimeRangeMenuClick
Event handler for TimeRangeMenuClick callback. Fired for menu items that use Action=CallBack.
Protected methodOnTimeRangeSelected
Event handler for TimeRangeSelected callback.
Protected methodRedirect
Redirects the page to a new location specified by the url parameter.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodUpdate()()()()
Request EventsOnly refresh on the client side. Requires a fresh data set to be loaded in Events.
Protected methodUpdate(Object)
Request EventsOnly refresh on the client side. Requires a fresh data set to be loaded in Events.
Protected methodUpdate(CallBackUpdateType)
Request a client-side refresh.
Protected methodUpdate(Object, CallBackUpdateType)
Request a client-side refresh.
Protected methodUpdateWithMessage(String)
Request EventsOnly refresh on the client side. Requires a fresh data set to be loaded in Events. Displays the specified message using the integrated message bar.
Protected methodUpdateWithMessage(String, CallBackUpdateType)
Request a client-side refresh. Requires a fresh data set to be loaded in Events. Displays the specified message using the integrated message bar.


Public fieldCornerBackColor
Public fieldCornerHtml
Public fieldSelectedEvents
List of selected events.


Public propertyBusinessBeginsHour
Gets or sets the start of the business day (in hours).
Public propertyBusinessEndsHour
Gets or sets the end of the business day (in hours).
Public propertyCellBackColor
Gets or sets the color of the cells in business hours (#000000 format).
Public propertyCellBackColorNonBusiness
Gets or sets the color of the cells outside of business hours (#000000 format).
Public propertyCellDuration
Gets or sets the duration of time cells (in minutes).
Public propertyClientState
Gets the client state (.clientState property on the client side).
Public propertyColumns
Gets the collection of columns to be displayed in Resources mode (see ViewType property).
Protected propertyController
The controller processing this request.
Public propertyCssClassPrefix
Prefix that will be added to internal class names. Use this property to apply a css theme.
Public propertyCssOnly
Enables CssOnly mode.
Public propertyCulture
Gets or sets the culture that will be used for DateTime formatting.
Protected propertyDataAllDayField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds true value for all-day events.
Protected propertyDataEndField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event end.
Protected propertyDataIdField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event id.
Protected propertyDataRecurrenceField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the recurrence information string.
Protected propertyDataResourceField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event resource id.
Protected propertyDataStartField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event start.
Protected propertyDataTagFields
Gets or sets a comma-separated list of the names of the custom event members.
Protected propertyDataTextField
Gets or sets the name of an event member that holds the event text.
Public propertyDayBeginsHour
Gets or sets the first visible hour.
Public propertyDayEndsHour
Gets or sets the end of the last visible hour.
Protected propertyDays
The number of days to be displayed. It is calculated automatically for ViewType=Day, Week, WorkWeek.
Public propertyEndDate
Gets the last visible day in ViewType other than Resources.
Public propertyEventHeaderVisible
Gets or sets the visibility of event headers.
Protected propertyEvents
Gest or sets the collection of events.
Public propertyEventSortExpression
DataItem properties and directions to be used for sorting. Example: "priority asc, start desc".
Public propertyHeaderDateFormat
Gets or sets the format of the date display in the header columns (e.g. \"d\", \"yyyy-MM-dd\").
Public propertyHeaderLevels
Gets or sets the header levels to be displayed. Determines how many level of column children will be displayed.
Public propertyHeightSpec
Gets or sets the height specification. Determines how the control height will be calculated.
Public propertyHourFontColor
Gets or sets the header font color.
Public propertyHourFontFamily
Gets or sets the header font family.
Public propertyHourFontSize
Gets or sets the header font size.
Public propertyHourNameBackColor
Gets or sets the header background color.
Public propertyId
Gets the id of the control on the client side.
Public propertyScrollY
Public propertySelectedEventId Obsolete.
Gets or sets the id of the selected event.
Public propertyShowAllDayEvents
Gets or sets true if all-day events should be displayed.
Public propertyStartDate
Gets or sets the first day to be displayed in ViewType=Days mode.
Public propertyTimeFormat
Gets or sets the time format (12 hour/24 hour clock) to be used for time formatting.
Public propertyTimeHeaderCellDuration
Duration of a time header cell in minutes. Maximum value is 60, must be divisible by CellDuration.
Public propertyUpdateType
Gets the update type.
Public propertyViewType
Gets or sets the ViewType. ViewType determines how many columns will be displayed (Day, Week, WorkWeek, Days) or whether the Columns collection will be used (Resources).
Public propertyWeekStarts
Gets or sets how the first day of week will be determined (fixed or auto).

See Also